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Vadim Zverev Art Gallery opens its doors for the long-awaited guests!
Monday, 13 February 2012 11:51

To wake you up from the winter sleepiness we have prepared a cheerful, and somewhat brutal exposition. Its main part consists of works made by men and their strong arms.

Among them are the  copies from Vatican frescoes by Jiovanni Volpato and Luidgi Fabri , which have a rich 300-years long history, and several etchings by modern artist Konstantin Kalinovich.

Lyrical paintings by Armen Gasparian, interesting in their philosophical plots, and a large-scale triptych “The Tournament” by Andrey Gonukov.

Delicate sparrows softly delineated on the rise paper by talented Chinese artist Ching Kek How and weighty still-life well-standing on the table by Alexandr Krilov.Sculptures of some great Russian historical personalities by Sergei Kondrashkin. Sexual and melancholic works by father and son Avetisyan.

Motionless heroes keeping their complicated poses by Andrei Drozdov, and dolls-sculptures holding their breath by Roman Shustrov. This man’s company is diversified by Galina Korostik and her graphical works covering Don Juan and Donna Anna theme.  You won’t also disregard the dolls made of papier-mâché by Maria Kasianenko and Irina Holodova, as well as a New-Year’s still-life smelling of tangerines by Natalia Selivanova.