Армен ГаспарянАндрей ГонюковАнтиквариатАрсен АветисянТибетРоман ШустровМебельАфджатикаСтанислав НикиреевАфрикаЧинг Кек Хоу
ords always evoke certain associations. Different words - different associations. But only one word in the world is always understood the same way. It is the word “antique”.When it is pronounced, before our eyes automatically arises overflowing room with dusty shelves piled high with strange things for strange price. Or some auction room with the same artifacts, but cleaned up and so with considerably higher prices.For average person antique items seem awfully boring, and antique dealers seem to be immersed in the past and not interested in anything except their collections.We are not trying to break down abovementioned stereotypes. We just look at old things from the little different point of view. For us antiques are beautiful things with some  interesting stories related  to them. Things that are nice to pick up or hang on the wall, things that you don’t need but still can buy just because you like them. In our gallery you will not find rusted kettles, cracked old porcelain, or some bronze statuettes of dubious origin. In the Gallery we gather together old maps, prints, books, some furniture pieces. And no more. And we prefer to call them "things with a history" rather than "antiques". After all, the origin of the object does not always determine its value and application. We are happy to see that old things find a second life not as collectible artifacts but as part of some modern interior. That's why we put prints and maps into the stylish modern frames and restore old furniture. At the same time, of course, we do our best to help true connoisseurs find little treasures and long forgotten masterpieces. After all, the desire of the customer is the law for us. Read more
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