Арсен АветисянДмитрий ЯковинАфджатикаАндрей ДроздовАрсен АветисянМихаил и Инесса ГармашГравюрыАфджатикаЖивописьКонстантин КалиновичАфджатика
culpture is one of the oldest and most diverse areas of fine art. Dimensional image are the closest to reality and so the easiest to human perception. We often consider sculpture to be something wide scale, massive and available only in a museum or a central square of the city, and we forget that the genre of sculpture is very diverse. Statues and statuettes, busts and bas-reliefs, complex compositions and body parts, animals and inanimate objects — they all combine to a single concept of sculpture.In Russia indoor sculptures had been unjustly forgotten for quite a long time for one very simple reason: there was no place for them in apartments with low ceilings and small footage. Today, economical situation has changed and sculpture has ceased to belong only to the palaces, parks and apartments of politicians or party members. Now it is much more easy to find and buy and put any large object in home or office. However it’s always important to remember that any sculpture, regardless of the size and shape, actively wins space in which it appears. And, thanks to the huge variety of the pieces of art available now on the art market, a happy owner of the sculpture may be able to share space with the thing that completely suits him. And we mean not only the theme and the mood, but also material and texture, color and form, and, of course, the price.
We do not have monumental sculptures. All our items are quite compact and modern. They do not have the “dust of ages” on them and do not keep any unwelcome secrets. On the contrary, we are personally familiar with their authors and we know the history of the creation of every thing. And we are proud that all the objects in our collection are good not only for serving as a nice piece of interior, but my easily become the first family relic.
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